
List of questions

  • Why Welcome from /index.qmd is appearing in pdf?
  • Part /background.qmd is not appearing in TOC (pdf). Is this a Tufte-book.cls problem?
  • pdf figures in website are being framed. Why?
    • can I remove file extension and site get svg or png and pdf get .pdf?
  • Header configuration is set to include short-tile instead of title. Couldn’t insert just a space, though. Why blank space without mathmode didn’t work?
  • How to include math macros in the html?
  • What is the page full of definitions that appear while routing in the website? math_definitions.tex?
  • Too much info in the margin citation. Create custom bib style?
  • How to show title-block for each chapter in website?


  1. Tufte-book can’t handle label inside caption.

    Tufte-book.cls breaks when processing the line bellow: markdown ![A way of flying](/Images/goya.jpg){.column-body #fig-goya} which becomes:

    {\centering \includegraphics{Images/goya.jpg}
    \caption{\label{fig-goya}A way of flying}
  2. Can’t render svg image in pdf and can’t render pdf image in html.

    • current solution is quite ugly:
    ::: {.content-hidden unless-format="pdf" }
    ![IBT "genealogy" tree.](/Images/dissertation-map.pdf){.column-margin width=90%}
    ::: {.content-hidden unless-format="html"}
    ![IBT "genealogy" tree.](/Images/dissertation-map.svg){.column-margin width=90%}
  3. Tufte-class works only until subsection -> ### subsection; #### subsubsection-> returns error

  4. sidecite is duplicating citations in the same margin. Solved this same problem in my dissertation and in the kaobook class. Only problem is that Tufte-book class is a little too cryptic for me.