
You can customize your book by changing _quarto.yml and the files it referendes. This project organize files in 4 basic folders:

Book Structure

  • Cover
  • Front Matter
    • Title Page
    • Copyright
    • Dedication
    • Epigraph/dictum
    • Table of Contents
  • Main Matter
    • chapters
  • Back Matter
    • references
    • appendices
    • acknowledgements
    • colophon

File Structure

Book Part File How to customize
Cover images/bookcover.pdf Replace the file. If no file, no cover.
Titlepage _quarto.yml Built from metadata. For further customization use partials.
Copyright 01-Front/dedication.tex Replace or exclude/rename file.
Dedication 01-Front/dedication.tex Replace or exclude/rename file.
Epigraph 01-Front/epigraph.tex Replace or exclude/rename file.
ToC _quarto.yml Built from metadata. For further customization use partials.
Chapters _quarto.yml You can reference chapters, parts and apendices.
Acknolegements 03-Back/ack.qmd Replace or exclude/rename file.
Colophon 03-Back/colophon.qmd Replace or exclude/rename file.

Advanced Cutomization

In _extensions/tufte/_extension.yml you can check the default settings of the Tufte-Quarto Book type. All these settings can be overwritten in _quarto.yml.

The project uses tufte-book Latex class.

Customizing the Website

Besides the settings from _extensions/tufte/_extension.yml > format > html that can be overwritten in _quarto.yml > format > html, you can further customize the website by creating a style.css file and referencing it in _quarto.yml. Check _extensions/tufte/style.css as an example, but avoid changing directly there as Tufte-Quarto updates may break your changes.