Tufte-Quarto Project Type

Fred Guth

A portrait Edward R. Tufte, godfather of charts. Art by Fred Guth and MidJourney.


The Tufte-Quarto project is an homage to Edward Tufte. It simplifies the production of books using a layout that resembles his books(Edward R. Tufte 2001; Edward R. Tufte, Goeler, and Benson 1990; Edward R. Tufte et al. 1998) with a companion website. The goal is for the book and website share the same aesthetics.


This documentation

This documention itself is using Tufte-Quarto.

Figure 1.1: Tufte-Quarto Documentation


As an example, my dissertation is being refactored with Tufte-Quarto, it gives an idea of a complex document built with Tufte-Quarto.


To use this project type just:

quarto use template fredguth/tufte-quarto

About Edward R. Tufte

Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics and Computer Sciente at Yale University, Edward Tufte is an expert in the presentation of informational. Also known as the godfather of charts. Check his website.